01.05.2009 El Salvador

**Project Funding 2012** - Strengthening the National Health Forum, Alianza Ciudadana contra la Privatización de la Salud (ACCPS) via Asociación de Promotores Comunales Salvadoreños (APROCSAL) - Social fund for prosthetics wearers, Promotora de la Organización de Discapacitados de El Salvador (PODES) - Remembrance and human rights – strengthening academic curricula, Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen (MUPI)

01.05.2009 Guatemala

**Project Funding 2012** - Empowerment of young persons and children in indigenous communities, Asociación Coordinadora Comunitaria de Servicios para la Salud (ACCSS) - Systematising the work of ACCSS - Struggle against impunity and strengthening democratisation of the justice system, International Commission of Jurists and Bufete Derechos Humanos - Psychosocial work and investigations in the search for the ‘disappeared’ and executed, exhumations, Equipo de Estudios Comunitarios y Acción Psicosocial (ECAP) - Psychosocial work after human rights violations, ECAP - For the right to restitution and justice, Asociación Campesina para el Desarrollo Integral Nebajense (ASOCDENEB) - Participation in the hearing of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, ASOCDENEB - Protection of natural resources and food security in ten Q‘eqchi villages in Alta Verapaz, Fundación Centro de Servicios Cristianos (FUNCEDESCRI) - Forest project, FUNCEDESCRI - Capacity development for young managers in local administrations, Sagrada Tierra

01.05.2009 Iraq

**Kurdistan/Iraq - Project Funding 2012** - Refuges for women threatened by violence and honour killing, KHANZAD, Haukari FFM - Public education campaign on domestic violence and health in schools, Kurdistan Health Foundation, Haukari FFM

01.05.2009 Israel/Palestine

**Project Funding 2012** - Protection of renewable energy plants in the southern Hebron hills and establishment of a renewable energy centre, Community Energy Technology in the Middle East (Comet-ME) - Legal action against demolition of these plants, Comet-ME - Improvement of primary health services and strengthening crisis preparedness in the occupied Palestinian regions, Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) - Strengthening community-oriented health services and supplying nutritional supplements in the Gaza Strip, PMRS - Access to primary health services and protection for marginalised communities in Hebron and Bethlehem, PMRS - Promoting schools for community health workers, PMRS - Kindergartens for unrecognised villages in the Jordan valley, Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) - Campaign for the right to equal access to health services, Adalah – Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel - Human rights work in the Gaza Strip, Al Mezan Center for Human Rights - Support for Physicians for Human Rights (Israel), PHR-IL - Mobile clinics in occupied Palestinian regions, PHR-IL - Training and campaigns for early diagnosis of breast cancer and medical-psychological support in the Gaza Strip, Culture and Free Thought Association (CFTA) - Health work in East Jerusalem, Medical Relief Society

01.05.2009 Lebanon

**Project Funding 2012** - Rental for school of nursing, Chouah Al Nour Educational Professional Association (CENEP) - Participative municipal development initiatives. Popular Aid for Relief and Development (PARD) - Capacity development for young Palestinian refugees, support to the Nashet Association at Ein el Hilweh Camp - Pilot project on sexual and reproductive health, MARSA Sexual Health Center

01.05.2009 Afghanistan

**Project Funding 2012** - Humanitarian mine clearing, promoting the mine clearing programme of the Mine Detection Center (MDC) - Physiotherapy and psychosocial counselling for women, MDC Mine awareness for women and children, Organisation for Mine Clearance and Afghan Rehabilitation (OMAR) - Eyewitness and reconciliation project, Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization (AHRDO) - Conference for a network to strengthen vulnerable groups, AHRDO

26.02.2007 Inside of Globalisation

"Inside Globalisation". Read an enthralling analysis of the concepts and the reality of psychosocial work in countries torn by war and violence