
Project Funding 2012

05/01/2009   Read time: 1 min

  • Empowerment of young persons and children in indigenous communities, Asociación Coordinadora Comunitaria de Servicios para la Salud (ACCSS)
  • Systematising the work of ACCSS
  • Struggle against impunity and strengthening democratisation of the justice system, International Commission of Jurists and Bufete Derechos Humanos
  • Psychosocial work and investigations in the search for the ‘disappeared’ and executed, exhumations, Equipo de Estudios Comunitarios y Acción Psicosocial (ECAP)
  • Psychosocial work after human rights violations, ECAP
  • For the right to restitution and justice, Asociación Campesina para el Desarrollo Integral Nebajense (ASOCDENEB)
  • Participation in the hearing of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, ASOCDENEB
  • Protection of natural resources and food security in ten Q‘eqchi villages in Alta Verapaz, Fundación Centro de Servicios Cristianos (FUNCEDESCRI)
  • Forest project, FUNCEDESCRI
  • Capacity development for young managers in local administrations, Sagrada Tierra
  • Expenditures of the Central American project office

Project Funding 2012: € 280,045.38 (incl. support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ))

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