Health is more than the absence of illness

Our project focus

Health cannot be reduced to the provision of medical services. This is particularly true where people do not have enough food, are homeless, have neither education nor work. For medico, achieving the comprehensive right to health accordingly includes creating healthy working, living and environmental conditions for all. Together with our partners, we fight against unhealthy situations and for the right to a good and healthy life.

Brochure on Global Health

Brochure on Global Health

Global Health

Fighting conditions that make us sick. Brochure on medico's work in the field of global health: project partners, networks, interventions 2 MB
5 years Corona

Control instead of care

Autoritarian measures characterized the state's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. In regards to health issues in many places, people had to looked after themselfs. By Felix Litschauer

Shift to the right

Trump and Global Health

Under Donald Trump, the US is expected to withdraw from global health institutions, agreements and financing – with enormous consequences.

Halt the Decline

Halt the decline

"Stop the Pushback on Women’s Rights". An initiative aims to stop the global attack on women's rights in international institutions. Interview with Nicoletta Dentico.

Appeal for donations

Standing by the people of Lebanon

Geflüchtete aus dem Süden des Libanon, Saida

The war is escalating. Hundreds of thousands are fleeing from the bombs. medico supports partner organizations in caring for the refugees.

5 years Corona

Control instead of care

Autoritarian measures characterized the state's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. In regards to health issues in many places, people had to looked after themselfs. By Felix Litschauer

Halt the Decline

Halt the decline

"Stop the Pushback on Women’s Rights". An initiative aims to stop the global attack on women's rights in international institutions. Interview with Nicoletta Dentico.

Shift to the right

Trump and Global Health

Under Donald Trump, the US is expected to withdraw from global health institutions, agreements and financing – with enormous consequences.

Appeal for donations

Standing by the people of Lebanon

Geflüchtete aus dem Süden des Libanon, Saida

The war is escalating. Hundreds of thousands are fleeing from the bombs. medico supports partner organizations in caring for the refugees.

Global health

Project Funding 2022

  • Membership fees and programme funding / Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2)
  • MEDBOX - The Aid Library; open-source library / Missionsärztliches Institut Würzburg
  • Core and programme support / People's Health Movement (PHM) Global Secretariat
  • Promoting the debate on health systems in Latin America / PHM Global Secretariat
  • Bringing together stakeholders and sharing stories of change in Equinet's work on health equity / Training and Research Support Centre (TARSC) for EQUINET

Project Funding 2022: € 112,942.28

Projects – Projections

All articles on the topic of health

25.09.2024 نداء للتبرع
مساعدة الناس في لبنان

الحرب في تصاعد مستمر. عشرات الآلاف يضطرون إلى الفرار خوفاً من القصف. ميديكو تساعد منظمات شريكة على تلبية احتياجات النازحين الأساسية.

04.09.2024 Mpox outbreak
Once again nothing learnt

Experience from the coronavirus pandemic is being ignored. By Anne Jung.

23.05.2024 From Gaza to Sri Lanka
Health as a target

Hospitals and medical staff are highly protected under international law. But they are increasingly under attack. From Felix Litschauer.

27.03.2024 Global health
Not a bit wise

A review of global health policy four years after the outbreak of the corona pandemic. A conversation with South African health scientist Dr. Lauren Paremoer.

07.11.2023 Health
Global pandemic, global vaccination (in)justice

The Pharma-Patent complex and the dispute over the waiving of Covid-19 vaccine patents.

17.08.2023 Obituary
A life spent fighting for a different world

We mourn our colleague Dieter Müller [1959 - 2023], who died unexpectedly on August 12, 2023 in Mexico.

20.07.2023 South Africa
Care work is doing change

An interview on a legal case for the rights of Community Health Workers (CHW) and the future of care relationships

18.04.2023 Obituary
„Small is beautiful, but big is necessary“

Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury (1941 - 2023) has died. By Dr. Andreas Wulf

30.03.2023 Global health
WHO under construction

75 years after its foundation, the World Health Organization (WHO) seems to be in need of reform in many places. What steps need to be taken?

27.03.2023 Climate justice
No reconstruction

Flood-resistant construction will not help any more in Pakistan. A look back at prevention attempts