Defending vulnerability

Our project focus

From aid for the victims of torture through support for traumatised refugees to work with abused women. medico has long been committed to recognising the effects on individuals of massive social exclusion and violence as being a separate element in project promotion, and opposes attempts to treat this as a medical condition of the individual. Psychological disturbances are human reactions to inhuman experiences. It is necessary to create protected spaces where people can regain their dignity and ability to act in an atmosphere of empathy, trust and respect.

Resist. Defend. Protect. Psychosoziale Arbeit in Zeiten von Rechtsverschiebung und Ohnmacht
BAfF & medico international

Resist. Defend. Protect.

Psychosocial work in times of the rise of right wing politics. Symposium from June 3 to 5, 2024 in Berlin.

Against the privatisation of suffering


In a troubled world, psychosocial work means not simply enduring the conditions in the world that make people ill. Theory and practice of our cooperations.…


So all good again now?

Ngauzepo, Hanging Tree, Namibia, Ovaherero und Nama wurden an solchen Bäumen während des Genozid ermordet.

German remembrance policy is patting itself on the back. In Namibia we are seeing just how deficient it actually is. Read more

South Africa

How do we move forward as a society?

Pandemic, War and Xenophobia. A conversation with Koketso Moeti. Read more

South Africa

Care work is doing change

An interview on a legal case for the rights of Community Health Workers (CHW) and the future of care relationships Read more

Lecture Series

The shakes explored

Review of auf "Troubling Psyche[s] – Affects and Struggles in the Pandemic". Read more


So all good again now?

Ngauzepo, Hanging Tree, Namibia, Ovaherero und Nama wurden an solchen Bäumen während des Genozid ermordet.

German remembrance policy is patting itself on the back. In Namibia we are seeing just how deficient it actually is. Read more

South Africa

Care work is doing change

An interview on a legal case for the rights of Community Health Workers (CHW) and the future of care relationships Read more

South Africa

How do we move forward as a society?

Pandemic, War and Xenophobia. A conversation with Koketso Moeti. Read more

Lecture Series

The shakes explored

Review of auf "Troubling Psyche[s] – Affects and Struggles in the Pandemic". Read more

Psychosocial work

Project Funding 2022

  • Psychosocial support for people and groups affected by socio-political violence and disregard for their human rights in Nicaragua / Aluna Acompañamineto Psicosocial (AAP)
  • Networking meeting of members of the "Victims and Solidarity Network" (BeSoNet) and further training on secondary traumatisation / Verband der Beratungsstellen für Opfer rechter, rassistischer und antisemitischer Gewalt (VBRG) e.V.

Project Funding 2022: € 36,322.90 (incl. support from stiftung m.i.)

Projects – Projections

All articles on the topic of psychosocial work

24.03.2021 Protest meets pandemic

March 8 confirmed it once again: Feminism is a truly global movement. This also means that its differences should be understood. They are more visible than ever in the pandemic.

12.06.2019 Defending vulnerability

At a conference on psychosocial issues in the medico House, experts from eleven countries defended support on a basis of solidarity for people in need. By Usche Merk.

31.08.2018 The rise of a concept

Resilience has become a buzzword in development affairs and a yardstick for funding decisions. In regard to security, climate change, natural disasters and terrorism, resilience is given an increasingly dominant role in crisis management. By Usche Merk.

27.06.2016 Breaking the Walls of Trauma Counselling

A critical analysis of the models and diagnoses of trauma on the basis of the work at the SCPS, Johannesburg.

25.06.2015 Bottom-up reconciliation

In this traumatised and fragmented country, AHRDO insists that peace has to be based on justice and a voice for all.

20.11.2014 Globalization and Its Discontents

The World Health Organization predicts that by 2020 depression will be the second most common illness worldwide.

20.11.2014 Guidelines for psychosocial work

What should therapy, psychosocial aid and emancipatory psychosocial work look like? How can we make room for attentive relationships that are based on mutual aid and help individuals and groups to refuse the commodification of their illness?

04.06.2013 Theatre of the Oppressed

Bisharat, Zaman and Fatima grew up in Pakistan as refugees from their war-torn country. Fortunately for them, they were not educated in one of the Qur'an schools which the Taliban still use to recruit their next generation. When the three returned to...

01.06.2013 New approaches for the new generation

'Before, I hardly ever talked, today you can hardly stop me,' says Kenneth. He works as a social worker in Managua's poverty districts for a small organisation which helps residents organise themselves. As one of 100 young people, he participated in...

18.05.2013 Struggles for solar plants, farmland and freedom

In several important project regions, medico maintains its own offices to coordinate projects and service partnerships. Three office directors describe what they considered the most impressive local events in 2012.