For the right to stay. For the right to move. Everywhere.
Project focus migration
All over the world people are fleeing from war, poverty and hopelessness. Our partners fight causes of flight, provide humanitarian relief, medical care, psychological assistance and legal counseling to refugees. In countries of origin and transit states, in the place we call home, in networks of solidarity. Becaues everyone has the right to live in dignity. Everywhere.
Refugees and migration
Project Funding 2022
- Support for an emergency shelter for refugee women with their children in Morocco and vocational training courses for migrants / Afrique Europe Interact (AEI) and Association des Réfugiés et Demandeurs d'Asile Congolais au Maroc (ARCOM)
- Support for Alarmphone Sahara (APS)
- Support for refugees / Anti-Racism-Telephone Essen (ART)
- Promotion of the west African network for the defence of the rights of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers and freedom of movement in west Africa / Association Malienne des Expulsés (AME)
- Border forensics: Sahara / Border Forensics
- Transborder Summercamp near Nantes / Clandestini - Solidarität mit Flüchtlingen e.V.
- CommemorAction 2022 in Zarzis (Tunisia) / ClandestIni - Solidarität mit Flüchtlingen e.V.
- Raising awareness of the dangers of illegal migration and supporting survivors and potential migrants in death boats / Cedar Centre for Legal Studies
- Interdisciplinary anti-war hub Georgia / Educat e.V.
- Support for refugees on the Polish-Belarusian border / Egala
- Maldusa – a place of safety and welcome between Malta and Lampedusa / Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht und Migration (FFM)
- Legal advice and strategic litigation – fighting the deprivation of rights on Lesvos and in the Aegean Sea / Legal Centre Lesvos
- Self-organisation of refugees on Lesvos / Welcome Office – Borderline Lesvos
Project Funding 2022: € 427,042.77
Projects – Projections