Project Funding 2022

  • Support for rural health programme during the pandemic / Gonoshasthaya Kendra (GK)
  • Health programme for workers in the Bangladeshi textile and garment industry / GK

Project Funding 2022: € 67,500.00 (incl. support from stiftung m.i.)

Projects and Partners

13.08.2024 Bangladesh
A second independence

Mass protests in Bangladesh have toppled the government. We spoke to representatives of the National Garment Worker Federation and our partners, the health organisation Gonoshasthaya Kendra, about the current situation and the underlying reasons for it.

18.04.2023 Obituary
„Small is beautiful, but big is necessary“

Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury (1941 - 2023) has died. By Dr. Andreas Wulf