War in Ukraine - Project Funding 2022

  • Support for particularly vulnerable refugees from Ukraine / Asmaras World e. V.
  • Support for health workers in times of war and defence of their rights / Bud'jak Nina
  • Emergency aid and care for internally displaced persons in Ukraine / European Civic Forum (ECF)
  • Support for internally displaced persons in Ukraine / EBF and Committee for Medical Aid in Transcarpathia (CA)
  • Support for Roma refugees from Ukraine in Warsaw / Foundation Towards Dialogue
  • Support for refugees in the Polish-Belarusian border region and particularly vulnerable refugees from Ukraine / Fundacja Polska Gościnność
  • Emergency aid in Ukraine and support for refugees in Poland / Fundusz Feministyczny (FemFund)
  • Promotion of left perspectives in Ukraine / Institute for Systematic Alternatives (ISA) and Commons Journal of Social Criticism
  • Medical care for Ukrainian refugees in Timisuara (Romania) / LOGS Association – Social initiatives Group
  • Food aid and soup kitchens in Kharkov / Mirnoe Nebo Kharkova
  • Support for journalists in Ukraine / Zaborona Media

Project Funding 2022: € 3,538,949.10

Projects and Partners

23.05.2024 From Gaza to Sri Lanka
Health as a target

Hospitals and medical staff are highly protected under international law. But they are increasingly under attack. From Felix Litschauer.

16.02.2023 Ukraine
Against powerlessness

Foreword to the book "Dieser Krieg endet nicht in der Ukraine” (This War Will Not End in Ukraine) by Raúl Sánchez Cedillo.

27.06.2022 War and Development
Systemic hunger

The Ukraine war exacerbates the dramatic food crises in the global South. Their causes, however, lie much deeper. By Radwa Khlaed-Ibrahim

25.05.2022 Interview
Solidary emergency aid

FemFund supports feminist, queer and anti-racist initiatives in Poland and Ukraine. We spoke with Gosia Leszko about the special nature of their aid.

06.04.2022 Flight from Ukraine
Roma face racism and discrimination

Interview with Dr. Joanna Talewicz-Kwiatkowska * about the situation of Roma fleeing the war in Ukraine.