For the right to rights

Our project focus

In a deeply divided world with a global economy which excludes millions of people socially and economically, and even makes them 'surplus', medico stands by those who defend and implement indivisible social, political and economic human rights. All aid has to be judged on whether and how far it contributes to restoring people to their rights.  
This means that the fight for social justice, education and health is also a fight against circumstances which create structural restrictions on these rights.

Climate Justice

Green Is the Promise, Gray the Reality

Europe's climate targets are being implemented at the expense of societies elsewhere - and not just in the Global South. The example of Bosnia-Herzegovina shows this.


Between Windhoek and Gaza

Germany's culture of remembrance is going astray. This has fatal consequences. By Charlotte Wiedemann.


Actually, we always arrive too late

How does aid work in the midst of climate catastrophe, authoritarianism and repression? Questions for the Filipino activist Rosalinda Tablang.


A day of darkness and gloom

The Taliban came to power three years ago. The situation of medico's partners is bleak and depressing; their message is alarming.

Climate Justice

Green Is the Promise, Gray the Reality

Europe's climate targets are being implemented at the expense of societies elsewhere - and not just in the Global South. The example of Bosnia-Herzegovina shows this.


Actually, we always arrive too late

How does aid work in the midst of climate catastrophe, authoritarianism and repression? Questions for the Filipino activist Rosalinda Tablang.


Between Windhoek and Gaza

Germany's culture of remembrance is going astray. This has fatal consequences. By Charlotte Wiedemann.


A day of darkness and gloom

The Taliban came to power three years ago. The situation of medico's partners is bleak and depressing; their message is alarming.

Projects – Projections

All articles on the topic of human rights

13.08.2024 Bangladesh
A second independence

Mass protests in Bangladesh have toppled the government. We spoke to representatives of the National Garment Worker Federation and our partners, the health organisation Gonoshasthaya Kendra, about the current situation and the underlying reasons for it.

05.08.2024 Rojava
Rojava perspective!?

The self-administration in north-east Syria is fighting for its very survival. A travelogue. By Anita Starosta.

02.07.2024 Kenia
The west is loosing

The protests against tax reform have long been about more: Western dominance is also being questioned.

27.05.2024 Namibia
So all good again now?

German remembrance policy is patting itself on the back. In Namibia we are seeing just how deficient it actually is.

23.05.2024 Freedom of expression
Am I a Berliner?

The policy of raison d'état [reason of state] is also tantamount to a frontal attack on the capital of the Arab exile communities. By Yassin al-Haj Saleh.

27.03.2024 War on Gaza
Tumble into the abyss

Gaza is being starved and the world is watching. An immediate reversal is needed.

15.02.2024 Lead article
In the fog of morality

How people in this country are growing accustomed to war. The lead article in medico circular 01/2024. By Katja Maurer.

23.01.2024 Israel/Palestine
Stop Arms Transfers!

International Humanitarian and Human Rights Organisations Call to Stop Arms Transfers to Israel, Palestinian Armed Groups.

19.01.2024 War on Gaza
Never again means never again for all!

For the German government, international law apparently only applies when it serves its own interests.

10.11.2023 Position
End the horror in Gaza

The crimes committed by Hamas do not absolve Israel of its own responsibility under international humanitarian law. The war must end.