For the right to rights

Our project focus

In a deeply divided world with a global economy which excludes millions of people socially and economically, and even makes them 'surplus', medico stands by those who defend and implement indivisible social, political and economic human rights. All aid has to be judged on whether and how far it contributes to restoring people to their rights.  
This means that the fight for social justice, education and health is also a fight against circumstances which create structural restrictions on these rights.


The west is loosing

Proteste gegen eine Steuerreform und die Einflussnahme des Westens in Kenia.

The protests against tax reform have long been about more: Western dominance is also being questioned. Read more

War on Gaza

Tumble into the abyss

Gaza is being starved and the world is watching. An immediate reversal is needed. Read more


So all good again now?

Ngauzepo, Hanging Tree, Namibia, Ovaherero und Nama wurden an solchen Bäumen während des Genozid ermordet.

German remembrance policy is patting itself on the back. In Namibia we are seeing just how deficient it actually is. Read more

Lead article

In the fog of morality

How people in this country are growing accustomed to war. The lead article in medico circular 01/2024. By Katja Maurer. Read more


The west is loosing

Proteste gegen eine Steuerreform und die Einflussnahme des Westens in Kenia.

The protests against tax reform have long been about more: Western dominance is also being questioned. Read more


So all good again now?

Ngauzepo, Hanging Tree, Namibia, Ovaherero und Nama wurden an solchen Bäumen während des Genozid ermordet.

German remembrance policy is patting itself on the back. In Namibia we are seeing just how deficient it actually is. Read more

War on Gaza

Tumble into the abyss

Gaza is being starved and the world is watching. An immediate reversal is needed. Read more

Lead article

In the fog of morality

How people in this country are growing accustomed to war. The lead article in medico circular 01/2024. By Katja Maurer. Read more

Projects – Projections

All articles on the topic of human rights

23.01.2024 Stop Arms Transfers!

International Humanitarian and Human Rights Organisations Call to Stop Arms Transfers to Israel, Palestinian Armed Groups.

19.01.2024 Never again means never again for all!

For the German government, international law apparently only applies when it serves its own interests.

10.11.2023 End the horror in Gaza

The crimes committed by Hamas do not absolve Israel of its own responsibility under international humanitarian law. The war must end.

25.10.2023 In the shadow of the shadow

Violence is escalating in Northwest Syria. Civilians are at massive risk – from the brutal military operations as well as from the lack of international publicity.

09.10.2023 State of emergency times two

The deadly Hamas attacks are heavily impacting our partners in Israel. We talked to Guy Shalev, Director of Physicians for Human Rights, about the situation and their work with survivors.

09.10.2023 Under shock and bombs

Due to heavy bombardments our partners in Gaza are not in a position to give an interview. Therefore, we spoke with Chris Whitman, our Representative in Palestine and Israel who is in regular contact with them.

18.09.2023 Abolish Prisons or End Impunity?

A Dialectic in Times of Transitional (and Lack of) Justice. By Mina Ibrahim und Stella Peisch

13.09.2023 The rest and the west

On human rights in times of dwindling Western hegemony and why they need to be decolonised.

12.09.2023 Signs of Times

Five theses on the military coups in the Sahel region. By Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni

17.08.2023 A life spent fighting for a different world

We mourn our colleague Dieter Müller [1959 - 2023], who died unexpectedly on August 12, 2023 in Mexico.