Resist. Defend. Protect.
Psychosocial work in times of the rise of right wing politics
Symposium | BAfF & medico international
Monday, June 3, 2024 to Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Franz-Mehring-Platz 1, 10243 Berlin
Solidarity-based psychosocial practice in the context of flight and migration faces major challenges: Migrants and refugees are once again being declared a danger in Germany. The human right to asylum is being curtailed in order to remove the breeding ground for supposedly radical right-wing propaganda and violence. In fact, the political and social level is once again negotiating whose lives and whose dignity are worth protecting. And then the several elections are coming up.
Just before the European elections - and shortly before the state elections in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg - we are inviting you to a psychosocial conference. We need to talk: The shift we are witnessing to the right at a political, discursive and social level means that care structures and rights for refugees are increasingly being curtailed. How can psychosocial work offer resistance in a climate of erosion of protective rights, how can it open up spaces of solidarity and defend humane healthcare?
In the face of global crises, the collective feeling of helplessness and exhaustion is clearly palpable. At the same time, countless people, many of the for the first time, are marching the streets to take a collective stand against this felt powerlessness. In the midst of social division, the potential for uniting against it is growing.
In this field of tension, the conference is aimed at people who carry out psychosocial work in both professional and activist contexts. After taking stock of the current challenges, we want to discuss together how we can defend the legal and care rights of refugees and at the same time continue to work and remain capable of acting under increasingly limited legal, social and financial conditions.
Accreditation for the event has been applied for from the Berlin Chamber of Psychotherapists.
All events will be simultaneously translated into German and English. If not marked otherwise, this does not apply to the workshops on day 2.
14:00 | Registration |
14:30 | Keynotes medico international & BAfF
15:00 | Dialogue
16:00 | Coffee break |
16:30 | Keynote & Paneldiscussion
18:30 | Dinner |
19:30-22:00 | Evening event "Bad weather, hard times? - Europe before the election" Does Europe have a choice? In a time where the feeling of insecurity and powerlessness is taking over large parts of the world, the ignorant socio-economic narrative of "business as usual" is causing progressive social devastation. It is a time in which politicians are failing to provide viable answers to existential questions and they cannot be postponed. Instead, resentment-driven so-called ‘alternatives’ are emerging, which are terribly effective in becoming the new narrative of established political parties, implementing it to their programmes in the name of containing radical right-wing sentiment. Even without the radical right in power, the attempts to fend off refugees violently at European boarders threaten to destroy the very democratic values and structures they claim to protect. All of this is difficult to bear. Nevertheless, things are moving. After a long pause - perhaps even a state of shock - in which, alongside a tireless climate movement, regressive protests from conspiracy milieus dominated the streets, the political mobilisation of hundreds of thousands against the right has succeeded. In what way will this continue? What significance do the current social shifts and upheavals have with the European elections as a potential turning point? How do we relate and deal with political feelings - how can their mobilising power be used in an emancipatory way? Speakers: Anne Aradi (International Women* Space/Break Isolation Group), Radwa Khaled-Ibrahim (medico international) |
09:00 | Keynote
10:00 | Coffee Break |
10:30 | Panel
moderated by: Leonie Teigler | BAfF |
12:00 | Lunch break |
13:30 | 10 parallel workshops (Phase 1) |
15:00 | Coffee break / networking |
16:00 | 10 parallel workshops (Phase 2) |
17:30 | Reception |
18:30 | Dinner |
19:30 | Evening event with music |
Workshops – 13:30-17:30
Workshop 1 | Zwischen Solidarität und Selbstfürsorge
Workshop 2 | From self-care to community care. Dealing with constant crisis (EN)
Workshop 3 | Empowerment gegen Rechts
Workshop 4 | Welche Auswirkungen wird die GEAS-Reform auf die Versorgungsstrukturen in Deutschland haben?
Workshop 5 | Rassismussensible Psychotherapie
Workshop 6 | Reflections from Ukraine Navigating Powerlessness in the Midst of War and Crisis (UKR-EN)
Workshop 7 | Suchtgefährdung bei geflüchteten Menschen.
Workshop 8 | Juristische Kämpfe als Hilfsmittel der sozialen Arbeit in den PSZ
Workshop 9 | Unter Bedingungen der Abschottung
Workshop 10 | "Wo werde ich eigentlich nicht diskriminiert?"
09:30 | Keynote
10:00 | Coffee break |
10:30 | Panel
12:00 | Lunch break |
13:00 | Panel
Moderation: Dr Julia Zielke | Einstein Center Population Diversity (ECPD) / Charité Berlin and Research Centre for Social Cohesion (FGZ) |
14:30 | End |
This project is partially co-funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.