Inside of Globalisation

Psychosocial Work in Contexts of Violence

02/26/2007   Read time: 2 min

The authors of medico's new report "Inside of Globalisation – Psychosocial Work in Contexts of Violence" analyze the concepts and the reality of psychosocial work in countries torn by war and violence. In their contributions, based on research in several countries of the South, they have outlined the different dimensions of perpetrator/victim realities in the era of globalisation. The authors have developed concepts for the deprivatization of suffering, healing processes and offer perspectives for sustainable changes within international networks.

The Medico-Report is published in german language. In the following you can find some english acticles for download as PDF-file.


One Night in Florida Reporting about Violence
Pedro Rosa Mendes, Portugal


Trauma in Different Contexts of Violence

Transcontinental Networking 20 Years of Psychosocial Work at Medico International
Usche Merk, Germany

A Violent History Transformation of African Conflicts
Anne Jung, Germany

Trauma and Culture The struggle for Acknowledgment as a Subject
Fernando Suazo, Guatemala

Living and Surviving in a Multiply Wounded Country Violence, Poverty and Gender
Martha Cabrera, Nicaragua

Dimensions of Victim-Perpetrator Realities

Bridging the Unbridgeable The Holocaust and Al-Nakba
Dan Bar-On, Salibar Sarsar, Israel/Palestine

Beyond the Rainbow Nation - Re-historicising Trauma Reflections on Violence and Memory in Current-day Cape Town
Yazir Henri, Heidi Grunebaum, South Africa

Negotiating Post-war Identities Child Soldiers in Mozambique and Angola
Alcinda Honwana, Mozambique/USA

Deprivatising Suffering – Struggling for Justice and Reparations

Does the Truth Heal? The Truth and Reconciliation Modell in South Africa
Brandon Hamber, South Africa/Northern Ireland

The Long Way to Peace Reconciliation Politics in Sierra Leone
Interview with John Caulker, Sierra Leone

Ignorance towards Horror The Trauma of Impunity
Paz Rojas, Chile

The Blind Eye of Justice Reparations in International Law
Victor Espinoza, Chile

Living between Past and Future Legal Justice and Self Help Groups in Guatemala
Franziska Pommer, Germany, Felipe Sarti, Guatemala

Challenging the Beneficiaries of Violence The struggle for Reparations in South Africa
Khulumani Support Group, South Africa

Places of Healing and Change

Mental Health and Human Rights Thinking About the Relatedness of Individual and Social Processes
David Becker, Germany

Guns and Music Conflict resolution and Peace Building in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Berenice Meintjes, Zandile Nhlengetwa, South Africa

Room for the Self Psychodrama in Gaza, Palestine
Maja Hess, Switzerland

Back to Life Supporting Women in Sierra Leone
Interview with Bondu Manyeh, Sierra Leone

No Recipes Psychosocial Work with Children and Youth in Angola
Julia Antonio, Hilde Kusche-Uebber, Angola

Principles of Psychosocial Work in Contexts of Social Violence
Medico International

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