medico panels at the 17th congress Poverty&Health (9th of March 2012; Berlin)

02/14/2012   Read time: 1 min

Friday, 9th of March 2012 • main building, Technische Universität Berlin

Proposals and international debates for a radical change in politics

11.30 am to 1 pm: On the world health situation

Two exemplary initiatives: The Global Health Watch 3 and the People’s Health Assembly 3.

A critical view on world health and it’s actors: the Global Health Watch 3.

  • David McCoy, People´s Health Movement, Public Health Director at Primary Care Trust NHS Hammersmith and Fulham and Centre for International Health and Development, University College, London/Great Britain

On the way to the third People’s Health Assembly. The global gathering of health activists in South Africa.

  • Remco van der Pas, People´s Health Movement, WEMOS Foundation, Amsterdam/The Netherlands.

Moderation: Kirsten Schubert, medico international, Frankfurt/Main

2.15 – 3.45 pm: Health as a common in public responsibility.

The social being and the right of access to health care.

The concept of social infrastructure for health – more then surgeries and hospitals.

  • Nadja Rakowitz, Society of Democratic Doctors Germany, Maintal/Germany

After the revolution: chances for access to health for all.

  • Alaa Shukrallah, People´s Health Movement, AHED/Association for Health and Enviromental Development, Cairo/Egypt

Moderation: Andreas Wulf, medico international, Frankfurt/Main

4.15 to 5.45 pm: Participation and Governance

Who is sitting in the boat and who is navigating it?

Who does belong to a global health round table and who does not.

  • Thomas Gebauer, Executive Director medico international, Frankfurt a.M./Germany

Participation in the name of the patient.

  • Gregor Bornes, patient representative at the Federal Joint Committee

Being a part of the multilateral shaping of globalisation?

  • Ilona Kickbusch, Global Health Programme, Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies, Geneva

Moderation: Anja Dieterich, Diakonie Bundesverband, Berlin

For further information please contact Ms. Kirsten Schubert, M.D.:

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