Hundreds of thousands of refugees in Sri Lanka caught in crossfire between army and rebel forces

Relief organisations demand immediate ceasefire and delegation of international observers

02/03/2009   Read time: 2 min

Berlin, 3rd February 2009. The alliance Entwicklung hilft is calling for "escape corridors", free access to the trapped civilians, and the immediate dispatch of international observers to northern Sri Lanka. According to local partner organisations, 300,000 people are currently trapped on an area of 250 square kilometres. The Sri Lankan army and Tamil rebels are engaged in intense fighting for this region. In less than two days, several hundred civilians have been killed, and countless others injured.

"We are also working under fire," says one on-site helper, who wishes to remain anonymous for reasons of security. "Hospitals are being attacked, several members of staff have been injured. We do not have the capacity to treat the rapidly increasing number of casualties. We lack everything, dressing material, medication, water and food." He said the war is being waged with no regard to the population.

LTTE rebels are preventing trapped civilians from leaving the combat zone. Several thousands of people, however, have managed to escape. The army is herding refugees into camps in Vavuniya, Mannar and Jaffna. According to reports, violent assaults by the military occur frequently.

"Only the international community can put a stop to the systematic war crimes, violations of human rights und the dramatic humanitarian crisis. Together with our partners in Sri Lanka, we demand an immediate ceasefire, access to the people, safe escape corridors and a delegation of international observers to be dispatched to the region," says Peter Mucke, Executive Director of the alliance.

Working together as Entwicklung hilft, Brot fuer die Welt, medico international, Misereor, terre des hommes and Welthungerhilfe provide emergency aid and long-term development cooperation. The alliance works with other German relief organisations, such as Kindernothilfe, with whom it has cooperated to produce this press statement.

For inquiries and interviews, please contact:

  • medico international: Thomas Seibert, 0160 - 97557350, seibert(at)
  • Misereor: Anna Steinacher, 0241 - 442 133, Steinacher(at)
  • Brot fuer die Welt: Ingrid Ostermann, 0711 - 2159293; i.ostermann(at)

Contact person at Kindernothilfe:

  • Joerg Denker, 0203 - 77 89 135, joerg.denker(at)

Legally responsible for content: Buendnis Entwicklung hilft

  • Press Office: Tel. 030 - 44 35 19 89 presse(at),


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