
Solidarity, dignity and humanity with persons in exile

06/28/2018   Read time: 3 min

One day, the indignity with which persons in exile have been made (un)welcome will be judged by History. Till that day we must drive our mobiliziation.

One day, the indignity with which persons in exile have been made (un)welcome will be judged by History. Awaiting for this awakening, which we hope is imminent, we, as euro-mediterranean actors must drive our mobilization.

Based on our shared vision, on our collective engagement and our common practices, we stand in solidarity with persons in situation of exile.

Collectively, we reaffirm that it is unacceptable to see the principle of humanity overridden by the implementation of current migration policies;

Solidarity, humanity and dignity are criminalized and denied: -Whilst individuals are refused access to the most basic rights (water, shelter, etc.), for the simple reasons of their legal status;

  • Whilst citizens can be accused of a crime of solidarity for trying to provide basic services to another human being;
  • Whilst states demand children and adolescents to prove their age as expulsion takes priority over child protection.
  • Whilst migration policies, notably the externalisation of borders, the creation of overcrowded zones, heighten vulnerabilities, particularly in regards to physical and mental health;
  • Whilst vulnerabilization, resulting from these policies, are being exploited by criminal groups, during the exile;
  • Whilst the vulnerabilities of those welcomed and those welcoming are put in competition, increasing exclusion, thus generating tensions to the detriment of the construction of a true and universal system of social protection;
  • Whilst the hosting of persons in situation of exile is used as a means to justify the weakening of social welfare systems;
  • Whilst hostile migration policies in practice translate to the absence of access to basic services;
  • Whilst dysfunctional systems and policies of exclusion eventually accentuate dependencies on social protection systems of people arriving or in transit;
  • Whilst, guided by populist and xenophobic discourse, states violate their international engagements;
  • Whilst the Dublin Regulation takes priority over the European Convention on Human Rights and other fundamental, international treaties;
  • Whilst solidarity becomes subject to double standards and, both within the European Union and all around the Mediterranean, some states deny a responsibility to host whilst others, often those without the resources, have this responsibility imposed on them, without having the means a dignified hosting
  • Whilst humanitarian aid and development are only granted to States in function of their migration policies and as border control compensation;
  • Whilst the universal right to freedom of movement is put in against the wellbeing of national citizens, and that all discussions on this fundamental right are put aside;
  • Whilst migration laws and systems threaten citizens and marginalised persons who may or may not be in exile, it is essential to review the definition and the implementation of State practices, related to migrations.

We, as euro-Mediterranean actors, have therefore to come together to stand against these denials of humanity.

It is within this framework that we constitute a euro-mediterranean Movement of solidarity with persons in exile, we consider that there is a legitimate urgency and necessity to promote citizen mobilization and engagement through reflection and advocacy.

We call all actors, including the institutional, at the local and international level, to effectively engage in the actions of solidarity and resistance which constitute the basis of our Movement. This Manifesto is a call to join forces, to share our principles of solidarity, dignity and humanity, which represent the future of our freedom of movement.

Rome, June 12th 2018

This Manifesto was drafted within the framework of the launching of the euro-mediterranean Movement of solidarity with persons in exile

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