
Solidarity and support in time of war

06/01/2013   Read time: 2 min

What medico does in concrete terms

  • Medical emergency aid in Syria: since the end of 2011 we have supported the emergency clinics of the oppositional grassroots committees which are doing everything possible in increasingly difficult conditions to save human life. These clinics are illegal and prohibited, and the doctors working there do so at extreme risk to life and limb.
  • Syrian-Kurdish civil society: in the Kurdish Serê Kanîyê (Ras Al Ain) near the Turkish border, medico is supporting the local citizens' committee Hêwî (Kurdish: 'hope'). The voluntary and nonpartisan committee of lawyers, journalists and craft workers supports families which have been bombed out and are homeless, distributes food and maintains a database on war damage.
  • Aid for helpers in Damascus: the Palestinian refugee camp Yarmouk with over 150,000 inhabitants is increasingly becoming a destination for refugees from Syria. The Palestinian Jafra Foundation distributes food with medico's support to particularly needy refugees. There is also an emergency educational programme.
  • Refugee support in Lebanon: over 400,000 Syrian refugees have found shelter in neighbouring Lebanon. With support from the German Federal Foreign Office, medico is supporting the Lebanese aid organisation AMEL with medical emergency aid to Syrian refugees in the northern Beeka plain. At the Ein-el-Hilweh Camp, medico is also making it possible for the Nashet Association to support and supply Palestinian refugees from Syria. Our partner was able to offer a secular alternative here to the strong presence of Islamic aid organisations.
  • Public education in Germany: medico is also concerned with political solidarity with the civil and unarmed opposition movement. At the start of 2012, German and Syrian activists created the solidarity initiative 'Adopt a Revolution – support the Syrian Spring!'. medico is advising the initiative and financed media and public relations work by local grassroots committees in Syria.

Project funding 2012

  • Emergency aid for victims of state repression, Medical Commission for the Syrian Revolution (MCSR)
  • Support for local resistance committees, Adopt a Revolution, about:Change e.V.
  • Medical aid for Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Bekaa Tal/Amel Association
  • Humanitarian aid for exiled Syrian families at the Palestinian Yarmouk Camp in Damascus, Nadja Now International e.V.
  • Humanitarian aid for Palestinian refugees from Syria at the Ein-el-Hilweh Camp in Lebanon, Nashet Association
  • Humanitarian aid for exiles in the Kurdish-Syrian city of Sere Kaniye,
  • Association of Syrian Kurdish Youth Abroad (ASKYA)

Project funding 2012: € 153,484.04 (incl. support from the German Federal Foreign Office (AA))

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