19.08.2014 From the purgatory of the global market

The pressure on prices exerted by Western companies leads to extreme exploitation in south-east Asian factories. Safety at work is another victim of the pressure, leading – as we saw on 24 April 2013 in Savar – almost systematically to tragedy. medico is supporting the fight for compensation and binding corporate liability.

19.08.2014 The verdict is recognition of their suffering

On 10 May 2013 Guatemala's former dictator Rios Montt was convicted of genocide against the indigenous Ixil and of war crimes. Ten days later the verdict was overturned because of alleged procedural errors. What's the status of the struggle against impunity in Guatemala after all these years?

19.08.2014 Controlling the controllers

3 October 2013 remains as a day of shame. 380 refugees drowned in the sinking of a decrepit ship off the Mediterranean island of Lampedusa. The politicians all chorused that the disaster was a European one, impossible to prevent. Pope Francis was the...

19.08.2014 After the scandal

On 21 August 2013 the US 2nd Circuit court handed down a ruling with far-reaching consequences in a claim for compensation by South African victims of apartheid against major groups such as General Motors, Daimler AG and Rheinmetall. Filed by the...

19.08.2014 Theatre against ignorance and stigmatisation

Refugees deported from Germany are fighting in Sierra Leone through the Network of Ex Asylum Seekers - NEAS - against stigmatisation and the European Union's deportation practices. The activists of NEAS work through their experiences in a play.

19.08.2014 Everyone is treated at the Open Clinic

Physicians for Human Rights – Israel works with more than 3,000 volunteers to enforce the right to health for everyone in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories – regardless of their official resident status.

19.08.2014 Conference 'Chile in transformation'

The one-day seminar by medico international foundation on 14 September 2013 marked the 40th anniversary of the military putsch in Chile, and looked at the consequences of the dictatorship and the continuity of neoliberal policies – including and particularly after the end of the Pinochet regime.

11.07.2014 Israel/Palestine: Ceasefire Now!

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel.

01.12.2013 Without borders. Migration in a limited world

Documentation on the international conference, 2 September 2013. Organized by Brot für die Welt, Justitia et Pax, Caritas international, Medico International and Südwind-Institut. Contents: 1.) Welcome - Dr Klaus Seitz (Brot für die Welt) 2.)...

04.06.2013 Theatre of the Oppressed

Bisharat, Zaman and Fatima grew up in Pakistan as refugees from their war-torn country. Fortunately for them, they were not educated in one of the Qur'an schools which the Taliban still use to recruit their next generation. When the three returned to...