27.03.2023 No reconstruction

Flood-resistant construction will not help any more in Pakistan. A look back at prevention attempts

22.03.2023 Final stop - desert

Migration in the Sahel: As the EU exerts pressure, more and more people are left stranded in Agadez, Niger.

22.03.2023 Election campaign amidst ruins

Political negligence cost countless lives and plunged millions into homelessness. Now President Erdoğan is politicking at their expense.

21.03.2023 Accountability in the Sahara

The investigative agency Border Forensics on the conditions that have led to mass death and disappearance of migrants traveling cross-Saharan routes through Agadez.

19.12.2022 Contagious authoritarianism

Claudia Paz y Paz has brought high-ranking military officers in Guatemala to justice for human rights violations. How does she see the future of democracy in the region?

05.12.2022 Defending the right to one's own existence

A conversation with Nandiuasora Mazeingo of the "Ovaherero Genocide Foundation" on the survival of colonial conditions in Namibia, necessary reparations and a common future.

28.09.2022 Targeted Killing

A Turkish drone attack kills Zeyneb Sarokhan and Yilmaz Şero, both responsible for medico projects in northeastern Syria.

27.09.2022 What Heiner Müller already knew

A conversation with medico's new Managing Director Tsafrir Cohen about erroneous East-West dichotomies, lack of historical justice and professional optimism in hard times.

06.09.2022 Executioner without judge

Human rights violations in Syria have still not been dealt with legally, as access to judicial mechanisms at the international level is complicated.

23.06.2022 No temporary solution

For ten years now, the Rojava project has been under attack, defended and further developed. A travelogue.