01.05.2013 The anxiety in the wake of globalisation

Economisation of life worlds is resulting in increasing mental suffering worldwide. Social problems are often individualised in the process, classified as mental illness and treated with drugs. Emancipatory psychosocial work is a critical challenge to these tendencies. The medico international symposium in May 2012 provided an opportunity for thoughtful discussion.

25.09.2012 Deportees fight against their stigmatization and the asylum policy of the EU

Stigmatization and discrimination of deportees has for a long time made the discourse on deportation a taboo in Sierra Leone. Those deported simply withdraw from society fearing provocation and false accusation from their friends and even family members

20.08.2012 Guatemala: medico partners focus on deep-rooted violence and racism

As in the postwar years in Germany, many in the Central American nation of Guatemala would like to forget the past. The rich families in particular, who had always ruled the country with brutal force, are living in a sanitised parallel universe. They...

15.09.2011 Against the cycle of poverty and violence

Sinani, which has been one of medico’s project partners for many years, grew out of a group of committed psychologists who provide therapeutic support to prisoners and torture victims of the apartheid regime. SINANI’s work in marginalised, excluded...

15.09.2011 Emergency relief and coming to terms with the past

The coastal village of Tirúa was particularly badly hit by the severe earthquake that devastated Southern Chile in February 2010. Many Mapuche Indians, who were persecuted during the Pinochet dictatorship and also have little voice in society under...

15.09.2011 An archive of crime

In a windowless hall young women and men with facemasks and gloves sit in long rows sifting through yellowing, dusty books of files. The staff treat the material with the greatest care. For these files hold priceless information about a grisly...

05.08.2009 If the past refuses to go away

Community work with survivors of the Guatemalan massacre

05.08.2009 Standing by those who cannot leave

Demilitarisation during a war, which cannot be named a "good war". Looking towards the post-conflict work required.

01.05.2009 Sierra Leone

**Project Funding 2012** - Legal advice offices in the Kono diamond region, Network Movement for Justice and Development (NMJD) - Cholera prevention and public education, NMJD - Public relations work on deportations from Germany and strengthening self-help, Network of Ex-Asylum Seekers Sierra Leone (NEAS)

01.05.2009 South Africa

**Project Funding 2012** - Self-help by victims of apartheid, Khulumani Support Group - Political and social human rights for people with HIV/AIDS, Sinani- KwaZulu Natal Programme for Survivors of Violence - Strengthening socio-economic rights, Local Government Action - Campaign on the Limpopo educational crisis, Section 27