Alternativer Nobelpreis an Ärzte für Menschenrechte - Israel

medico gratuliert seiner langjährigen Partnerorganisation

01.10.2010   2 min

medico international gratuliert seinem langjährigen Partner Ärzte für Menschenrechte - Israel, die 2010 mit dem alternativen Nobelpreis (The Right Livelihood Award) ausgezeichnet werden. Für "ihren unzähmbaren Geist, mit dem sie für das Recht auf Gesundheit für alle Menschen in Israel und Palästina einstehen". Den Preis empfindet Gründerin Dr. Ruchama Marton als "Zeichen internationaler Solidarität mit dem Weg, den die Ärzte für Menschenrechte - Israel seit 22 Jahren bestreiten: der konkrete Kampf um die Verwirklichung des Rechts auf Gesundheit für alle, überall, zu jeder Zeit". Diesen Weg zu Ende zu denken, zu gehen, so Marton, macht einsam. Wir von medico hoffen, dass die Tatsache, dass wir mit ihnen ein Stück des Weges gemeinsam gehen, diese Einsamkeit etwas lindern konnte.


Nachricht von PHR-I:

To the extended family of Physicians for Human Rights-Israel; volunteers, friends, partners and supporters,

We are proud and excited to let you know that Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-Israel) has been awarded The Right Livelihood Award for 2010 (The Alternative Nobel prize).

The recognition embodied in this important prize would not have been possible if it wasn't for the hard and devoted work of our volunteers and friends in Israel, the Occupied Palestinian Territories and world wide.

This is our opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your unique contribution in our efforts to promote justice, freedom and equality for all, for human rights and the right to health in particular:

  • We thank all the volunteers who work at our clinics, visit detainees and prisoners, accompany us in our lobbying efforts and provide us with consult and support
  • We thank our Israeli and Palestinian partners who share with us a vision in which the protection of human rights and opposition to occupation and all forms of oppression are shared by all
  • We thank our supporters, both in Israel and abroad, who support us at all times, and whose generosity allows us to continue and struggle for justice and equality. Their faith in us is our source of strength

We embrace this opportunity to thank Dr. Ruchama Marton, Founder and President of PHR-Israel, whose vision has led to the establishment of the organization and to the moral and practical basis of our activity. Dr. Marton will receive the Award in the name of PHR-Israel at the Award ceremony in Stockholm, December 2010.

There is much work ahead of us. This prize and the recognition it entails give us the strength to continue at our uncompromising path.

In solidarity,

Board and staff of Physicians for Human Rights-Israel

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