Ramallah, 26-06-08: The Israeli military deliberately targeted PMRS health worker Ahmad Ayyash on the 16th of June as he attempted to reach one of the non-violent protesters injured during a peaceful protest against construction of the wall in the Palestinian village of Ni'lin.
While 29 year old Ahmad was approaching a youth injured in the thigh by a rubber-coated bullet, an Israeli soldier fired one bullet at the PMRS vehicle in which he was traveling. "I made every effort to show the soldiers that I was a health worker" said Ahmad. "I sounded the siren of the vehicle, I called to the soldier in English, and I clearly showed the PMRS logo on my vest".
Ten seconds later, soldiers fired 14 more bullets at the vehicle, damaging the body and smashing the windows.
"This was a deliberate and targeted act of violence", said Ahmad. "This is not a one-off incident, but its part of a wider series of attacks against medical staff. I have been attacked three times before under similar circumstances in Bil'in village", he added.
Under the Fourth Geneva Convention, medical staff are afforded special protection and should be given full access to emergency situations in conflict zones. However, the Israeli military frequently denies the access of health workers to such areas and there have been several cases of soldiers attacking medical staff.